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Ana María Miñana: of suffering a plantar fasciitis to complete three marathons

One of the most notable cases within the broad period of study to which the FBR Concept has been subjected is that of Ana Maria Miñana, a regular runner belonging to the Runners Ciutat de Valéncia club. She boasts the achievement of being the first person to complete a marathon wearing trainers tailored to the FBR Concept, specifically in the 2025 Valencia Marathon.

The case of Ana María is very special, since she suffered from plantar fasciitis, a condition that prevented her from practising her favorite hobby: running. However, we were fortunate to find her through our process of recruitment of injured runners. The main objective of this was to test recovery in different types of ailments associated with running, all under the control, analysis and study of the Faculty of Physiotherapy of the University of Valencia. And the results could not be better: Ana María progressively overcame her injury as she used her shoes adapted to our concept, to such an extent that she was encouraged to run a marathon in which she also beat her personal best at 21 km .. In the second half of the race!

Her case, like many others, helped us to demonstrate that the FBR Concept contributes not only to the partial or total overcoming of some of the main injuries suffered by runners, but also to significant improvement in their sports performance. At present, Ana María has already completed three marathons and continues running without any problem after having completely overcome her plantar fasciitis. Cases like this are the true essence of FBR and those that motivated us to develop this project that is revolutionising the world of running.

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